21st February 2020

You are Braver than you Believe!

Pooh bear on a swing.  self belief confidence


You are Braver than you Believe!

Emotional posting alert!
One of the presuppositions within NLP is that we all have all the resources within us to make a change.

3 years ago my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer – I did not know what to expect about the journey that lay ahead. It started with treatment, followed by the news that no more treatment was possible. It was then a cycle of a dip in health followed by a recovery, followed by another dip, a recovery, a dip and a recovery and so on. Every time there was a dip, I would prepare myself that this may be the time she did not recover but nothing could really prepare me for the last week of mum’s life.

I wanted to care for her at home because support was on hand but like deciding where to have your baby those plans can go out the window because you never know what will happen. 3 to 4 days before she died she was in bed and was continuously hot and thirsty. She was desperate for water but unable to drink unaided and all I could do was give her water via a syringe and wash her face to cool her down.

At times, this was happening every 10 minutes and it was physically and emotionally overwhelming and exhausting. I questioned time and time again whether I was doing the right thing, could I do more, could I do it better? And how long could I keep doing this for?

The days all rolled into each other and then we took the decision to move mum into the hospice. After a few hiccups, she was transferred and suddenly the feeling of overwhelm was lifted. I then knew that she was being looked after by experts who knew what they were doing and how to do it and this relieved the responsibility from me.

If someone had told me at the beginning of this journey what I would be expected to do with no training, knowledge or experience I would have answered “No Way!”
The answer was actually “Yes Way!” I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know how to do it, at times I didn’t believe I could continue doing it. BUT it was so important to me that I made mum comfortable and took care of her needs that I was able to dig deep into my resources, follow my instincts and achieve so much more than I expected. I also knew I had the support from my gorgeous hubby!

And as Christopher Robin said to Winnie the Pooh:-


If you are in a phase of your life where you are not sure what to do, how to do it and questioning whether you think you can do it, remember that if it is important enough, you have all the resources within you to achieve so much. If you want help to find or unleash those resources then please contact me for a free consultation to find out how I can help.

I’m Tracy and I’m more than just a coach, I’m Your Catalyst for Change!

Tracy, Your Catalyst for Change


Call me today on 07443 634722 or to email me click here