blog-november-2019 - tracyward

29th November 2019

How can you overcome problems? Think of it like a spa treatment!

Yesterday I had a spa day. It had been some time since I spent a whole day focussing on me! As is the world nowadays, we seem to live in a bit of a whirlwind running from one thing to another and at the moment for me it feels like from one problem to another.

As I was lying on the couch having my facial, I became very aware of the sensations of the products on my skin and the hands massaging my face and was totally unaware of the rest of my body.

And I thought how similar that is to when we are facing a big problem that we are looking to overcome. It can often be all consuming and as the problem becomes bigger in your mind, you become aware of all the details of the problem and the feelings that come with it and you become more and more absorbed into it.

This can lead to stress which then increases the fight or flight syndrome and we are unaware of what else is happening around us and we lose perspective on how to solve the problem and possible opportunities.

So try these three steps:-

1) Move – this helps to oxygenate the brain and help you think more productively.
2) Ask yourself “What would you like to have happen?” This helps you to focus on the result you really want.
3) Consider the problem and the solution from different angles and approaches. Physically move and consider it from different perspectives.

And always remember to congratulate yourself once you have overcome your challenge because this will set you up to repeat this approach next time.

So if you are becoming absorbed into the stress of a problem, change your focus and approach and treat more like a full body massage than a facial. In a full body massage your attention moves from area to another, the therapist works around the body from different angles and the result is a better feeling all over.

I wonder what problems or obstacles you are facing. What do you want to look at differently?

Contact me below for a free consultation about how I can help you program your mind for the success you want.

I’m Tracy and I’m more than just a coach, I’m Your Catalyst for Change

Tracy, Your Catalyst for Change


Call me today on 07443 634722 or to email me click here