27 May, 2023

3 Tips to Beat Procrastination!

Procrastinate. Put off till tomorrow. Tracy Ward Coaching

What have you been putting off?

Maybe that proposal at work? Signing up for that fitnessclass? Or perhaps just sorting out your filing.

We all do it; we procrastinate!

It's a habit we employ when we don’t want to do something. We start allowing interruptions, our mind wanders, we get sidetracked by other things and then suddenly that task is no longer just important but urgent!

But what happens when the task has no urgency?

The problem is our human brain values immediate rewards more than future rewards.

The future self is good at setting goals and can see the value of long term benefits of taking actions. But the present self is in the moment and it is the present self (like the chimp below) that has to take action.

Our brains like instant gratification, not the long term payoff and so we have this tug of war.

• The future me wants to eat healthily but the present me wants the cake.
• The future me knows I should save for retirement, but look at those amazing shoes!
• The future me wants to be fitter but I’m so into that new series on Netflix

How do I eat healthy Tracy Ward

3 Tips to Beat Procrastination

Therefore, we cant always rely on long term rewards to motivate our present self and so we need to find a way to move from procrastination to action. And often the anxiety, shame, guilt you feel whilst procrastinating is worse than the action itself.

The problem is not doing, it’s normally in starting!

So here are 3 tips to help you overcome procrastination:

1. Make the rewards or consequences more immediate by bundling.
E.g. If you want to get fitter then bundle the habit of doing 10 star jumps before you scroll through Facebook

2. Break it into smaller chunks
Implement the 2 minute rule by James Clear who says that when you start a new habit it should take less than 2 minutes to do e.g. “do 30 minutes of yoga” becomes “take out my yoga mat”. “Writing a presentation” becomes “open my reference notes” and “Updating my CV” becomes “print off my current CV”.

3. Go Visual which is my favourite.
Take a calendar and tick off when you take a step each day. Consistency is key and the aim is “Never miss twice”

Tracy Ward Coaching May calendar

How will you get over the action line?

It’s funny that once we cross the action line and get started, that’s when the motivation comes; so just get started!

Procrastination is a pattern of behaviour or habit.  If you want to change your habit and beat procrastination for good, then find out how NLP can help. Once you understand your true drivers and motivations, then it becomes easy!

Come to my next NLP Discovery Day on Friday 30 June in Ipswich.  You can find out more here.

Are you really still procrastinating about it?  Take action NOW!

I help you gain CLARITY on what’s important, build CAPABILITY to overcome the challenges on the way and 
increase CONFIDENCE to take the steps to just do it!

I’m Tracy and I’m more than just a coach, I’m Your Catalyst for Change!

Tracy, Your Catalyst for Change


Call me today on 07443 634722 or to email me click here