23 February, 2023

Feel like giving up? Find out the importance of bloomin' patience!

table on patio in garden  - achieve goals

The Importance of Bloomin' Patience!

What do you think of my amaryllis?

I was given this as a bulb as a present last October and the packaging said that it would bloom in 10 to 12 weeks and it would be ready for Christmas.

It didn’t!

I was going to throw it away because I thought it wasn’t going to grow and it just kept getting in the way.

BUT, I decided to be patient. I persevered, I continued to water it and even had a little chat with it at times.

And then, just when I least expected it, it started to sprout and I could see it growing every day.
Now look at it; isn't it beautiful?

This is very similar to when you do something new or decide to make a change.

It can seem that nothing is working, that you will never get there, or it feels so difficult, you just want to give up. It can feel simpler to accept defeat.

BUT, sometimes a little patience and perseverance is all we need. In the words of Dory "Just keep swimming!"

It may be that you just need to find the right resources, consider a different approach and perhaps you could talk more kindly to yourself too.

As Roy Davis said "Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams."

If this is you and you are finding things a bit challenging and nothing seems to be working right, try giving yourself a bit of slack and keep going.

We don’t all bloom at the time we want or expect; but when we do, it is amazing!

 And if you want a little more help and guidance to help you get through some of life's seasons and help you bloom, then find out more about how my NLP Training or Coaching can help you do just that!

I help you gain CLARITY on what’s important, build CAPABILITY to overcome the challenges on the way and 
increase CONFIDENCE to take the steps to just do it!

I’m Tracy and I’m more than just a coach, I’m Your Catalyst for Change!

Tracy, Your Catalyst for Change


Call me today on 07443 634722 or to email me click here