7 March, 2022

Stepping out of your Comfort Zone?  It's like skiing down the mountain!

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Stepping out of your comfort zone? It's like skiing down the mountain!

I was away skiing last week, and I had not been for 3 years and so as you can imagine I was a little nervous getting onto the slopes wondering if my legs would know what to do!

It started as quite a challenge, I was tentative, and I was frightened of falling over. When skiing (like many other things) the worst thing you can do is tense up because the more tense you get, the more likely you are to fall over.

And I thought how this is a metaphor for life and taking a step out of your comfort zone. You may want to do it and you may know it could be uncomfortable and therefore the tension increases as you are unsure of yourself or what may happen.

To ski well, the process is very counter-intuitive:

• You must lean down the slope to control your turns and speed which is the last thing you want to do because it feels safer
 leaning where there is less distance to fall.

• The snow is not always smooth and consistent, and you may hit a mogul, (a lump of snow) that can catch your ski and at this time you must
 trust your balance and that your legs will absorb the bumps and cope with it.

• Or you may hit an icy patch where your skis can’t grip in the same way you are expecting. At this point slowing down becomes 
more difficult and if you turn too quickly the skis will go from under you and so you must let yourself go with the slide.

The more that you resist these steps the more likely you will tumble. 
The more you trust yourself and go with it, the easier the skiing becomes, the more enjoyable it is and there is less strain on the body too!

Think now about a step you are taking or want to take out of your comfort zone and ask yourself:
• How resistant are you?
• Are you tense or ready to absorb any bumps along the way?
• Are you leaning up the slope away from it or are you trusting yourself to go with it?

I wonder what could happen if you leaned into the slope and trusted yourself that you cope with whatever happened on the way.

And remember it doesn’t matter how quickly or slowly you get down the mountain. It does not have to be a race and the scenery can be fantastic along the route so take your time, enjoy the journey and reflect on what you have achieved.

If you are ready to take that step out of your comfort zone, then contact me to find out how I can support you.

I help you gain CLARITY on what’s important, build CAPABILITY to overcome the challenges on the way and 
increase CONFIDENCE to take the steps to just do it!

I’m Tracy and I’m more than just a coach, I’m Your Catalyst for Change!

Tracy, Your Catalyst for Change


Call me today on 07443 634722 or to email me click here