29th May, 2020

Follow through on your dreams - just like Walt Disney!

dream big  and follow through - Disney castle


“How many dreams or great ideas have you ever had and …never followed through?" 

Often we can have plans and ideas and yet we muddle our thinking with how to do something or what to do or the things that can go wrong and this creates confusion, doubt and sometimes limited or no action. I think of it like a maze - we know we want to reach the middle but we don’t start because we know that there will be dead ends and wrong paths we take on the way and so may get lost!

One of my favourite NLP techniques is called the Disney Model; it is based on an approach Walt Disney used when considering how to bring his dreams to reality – and he certainly succeeded didn’t he?

When Walt Disney had a plan for a new film he would consider it from 3 perspectives; the Dreamer, the Realist and the Critic and he would use each of these 3 styles one after the other. This approach helps to clarify thinking whether for an individual goal or whether for a team or business and each role should be done in a separate space or location within the room. 

Step 1 - The Dreamer
This is the first position; the creative position. Usually creative ideas start with passion and excitement and then are quelled by problems. In this position though, it is only creative ideas that are brought to the table. Let your imagination run free; imagine how it will be when achieved and the benefits of doing it.

Step 2 - The Realist
Move to a second position where you consider only what needs to happen to turn the dream into a reality. The aim is to find ways to make it happen and again, do not be put off by considering blockers, just consider what has to happen and generate a high level plan to make it happen.

Step 3 - The Critic
Move to the third position and act as the Constructive Critic. Here you only test the plan and look for flaws and loopholes that mean the plan may not work. In Critic role you only interact with the Planner – not with the Dreamer. Search for weaknesses in the plan and how to pre-empt problems to ensure success but leave the resolution of these to the Planner. 

Step 4 – Step Outside
Review what you have done so far and how well you are approaching each role and whether there are any improvements to be made.

Step 5 - Recycle
Depending on the complexity of the goal you may need to recycle through the Realist and Critic stages until you are certain that the plan can be achieved. The dream will not change just the way to achieve it!

As a NLP Coach and Trainer working through these roles provides greater clarity of ideas and makes the dreams more achievable rather than feeling overwhelming. The process works in many settings and helps with the process of generating creative ideas and translating them into reality.

How could you use this approach?

If you want to learn more NLP techniques and how they can help you, then sign up to my newsletter or book yourself on one of my courses at www.tracy-ward.co.uk/contact

I’m Tracy and I’m more than just a coach, I’m Your Catalyst for Change!

Tracy, Your Catalyst for Change


Call me today on 07443 634722 or to email me click here