Why am I so busy? The Real Reason for your Busyness?
What is the Real Reason for your Busyness?
If I had a penny for every time a client said to me, "I just don't have enough time". I'd probably be a millionaire!
How often do you hear that or perhaps expressions such as "time-starved", "time-poor", "overwork" "over-scheduled", "overwhelmed".
We are always pressed for time and it seems like there is not enough hours in the day. It seems like we're running out of time, all the time and yet, we still all have 24 hours every day.
We have more modern conveniences to help us in the household. We have electronic tools to help us communicate easier.
So is it that we are busier or that we just feel busier?
In my previous career, I worked very long hours. I was extremely busy. I always felt like I was spinning lots of plates, rushing from one place to another and rushing from one work meeting to another.
At the time, I did not understand the real reason for my busyness.
It was only a few years after leaving the corporate world and taking my own personal development path which has helped me understand why I was so busy; it was the drive for perfection in everything I did.
Here are some reasons to reflect on that may be causing your busyness:
1. Being busy makes us feel important. In our fast-paced society human capital is valued. Therefore, if we show that we are busy it implies that we are in demand or are sought after we increase our perceived value or self-worth.
2. FOMO! There are always people out there who are talking about the latest self-development books you should read, TV programmes you should watch, places you should visit or activities you should experience. It helps us to feel as though we fit in when we are able to relate to others on such subjects or know that you can fill your social media with your reel of life.
3. It is a by-product of the digital age. Our 24/7 culture and the desire for instant gratification means the lines between work and life become blurred. Suddenly everything becomes important and urgent. Whilst we now have the flexibility in our working environment, it means we are also more available and it makes it hard to distinguish between the two areas of life if we do not set strong boundaries.
4. Avoidance of the truth about ourselves. As Brene Brown says “we stay so busy that the truth of our lives can't catch up”. We avoid making some important decisions about our future whether relationships, career or retirement. We avoid asking those difficult type questions about “Who am I?” What am I doing here?” “What is my purpose”. And yet the exploration of those questions and finding the answers can be so liberating.
Having taken the time to go through my own personal devlopment journey, I recognise my busyness was a combination of those and the desire to achieve perfection in everything I did.
Asking some of those difficult questions has helped me to understand myself better and recognise that I can choose my busyness.
I now know that as Your Catalyst for Change my busyness has real meaning as I help others lead happy lives.
Take a moment now to consider your busyness and what is driving it.
Do you need to change your approach?
If you would like more help to understand what is driving your busyness, to overcome your overwhelm and to ensure you are busy for the right reasons then contact me now to find out how my NLP Training or 121 Coaching can help you do just that!
I help you gain CLARITY on what’s important, build CAPABILITY to overcome the challenges on the way and
increase CONFIDENCE to take the steps to just do it!
I’m Tracy and I’m more than just a coach, I’m Your Catalyst for Change!
Tracy, Your Catalyst for Change